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Here are the deliverables in this stage:

  • Charter document: A standard template is provided in the TDSP project structure definition. The charter document is a living document. You update the template throughout the project as you make new discoveries and as business requirements change. The key is to iterate upon this document, adding more detail, as you progress through the discovery process. Keep the customer and other stakeholders involved in making the changes and clearly communicate the reasons for the changes to them.

  • Data sources: The Raw data sources section of the Data definitions report that's found in the TDSP project Data report folder contains the data sources. This section specifies the original and destination locations for the raw data. In later stages, you fill in additional details like the scripts to move the data to your analytic environment.

  • Data dictionaries: This document provides descriptions of the data that's provided by the client. These descriptions include information about the schema (the data types and information on the validation rules, if any) and the entity-relation diagrams, if available.